Popular Nollywood actor, Zubby Micheal opened up on his private life in a chat with Vanguard Newspaper and he indicated that he is currently single. Zubby Michael revealed that he does not have a girlfriend because he is scared of them, however, it is not as if he dislikes them but for someone who is a public figure like him, you need to be focus. Speaking further on his relationship status, the 36-year-old said; “I avoid female fans and this is because I am scared of them. In this type of career that I ventured into, you must be careful and avoid women. It’s not that I don’t like them. The journey needs total focus and hard work. Honestly, I don’t have a girlfriend.” Zubby Michael also went down into his past as he shared how his career started and his life before becoming an actor. “I came to see a friend, Solomon Amaco when they were shooting a music video. I wasn’t there to be part of the production, but to have a drink with them. Later, I was given the role of a gateman in th...